Piping Assemblies

We provide information to the customers in the field of Steam piping design and associated activities.

Steam Trap Module

The Trap Module is a complete system which includes isolation valves, by-pass valves, & trapping device, interconnected with pipes, flanges, reducers, elbows, etc. In response to specific requests, strainers, sight check, check valve etc. could be supplied duly fitted into the system.

Pressure Reducing System

The heart of the pressure reducing system is a properly sized and designed Pneumatic Control Valve with pneumatic or electronic controls.

The complete system, duly certified includes isolating valves, by-pass valves, safety valve, control valve, inlet/outlet pressure gauges with valves, inter connected piping comprising of pipes, flanges, elbows, reducers etc., comes ready to install.

De-Superheating System

The heart of the De-Superheating system is correctly sized spray nozzles, designed to achieve a high degree of atomization even at low differential pressures.

Isolating valves, by-pass valves, strainers, non-return valves and inter connected piping are provided to make the system ready for installation at site.

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