Pipeline De-Superheaters

Pipeline Desuperheater Systems provide a convenient method of reducing superheat steam or other vapours to temperatures approaching saturation.The dispersed droplets from spray nozzle absorb heat from the superheated vapour and evaporate almost immediately thereby reducing the temperature of vapour.

Sugar Industries, Paper Mills, Rubber Industries, Power Plants, Chemical & Fibers Plants, Oil & Refineries, Textiles, Steel, Dairies & Distilleries, Pharmaceuticals, Food & Packaging Industries, Agro Products, Hospitals and many others.

Sizes available : 150 NB TO 600 NB
Rating : IBR Approved ANSI Class 150, 300 & 600
Features : 1. High rangeability variability area spray unit
2. Accurate and repeatable control of fluid temperature
3. High spray water pressure capability
4. Tight shut off
5. Wide range of available nozzle sizes
6. Erosion resistant materials of construction
7. Ease of installation
8. Low maintenance
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